Fea/Fem packages(open source and comercial free packages with limited features, what is Fem)
Adventure was
developped as an advanced general-purpose computational mechanics
system for large-scale analysis and design during Aug. 1997 - March
2002 in the "Computational Science & Engineering" field
selected by the "Research for the Future (RFTF)" program sponsored
by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
Adventure is Open
Aladin is a
computational toolkit for the interactive matrix and finite element
analysis of large engineering structures, particularly building and
highway bridge structures. Aladdin views finite element
computations as a specialized form of matrix computations, matrices
as rectangular arrays of physical quantities, and numbers as
dimensionless physical quantities. ALADDIN Version 2.1 is the
property of Mark Austin,Xiaoguang Chen and Wane-Jang Lin.Permission
is granted to use, modify, and distribute the software
A DVD image of Linux & Code Aster
(in Fortran) which must be burnt as a bootable DVD.
No installation required, simply
boot-up from the DVD to have a version of Linux on your normal
computer and Code Aster will be ready to run on your computer, it
also uses the Salome open source pre & post-processor.
Non-linear thermo-mechanics, coupled fluid-structure dynamics,
sismic / non-linear explicit dynamics, contact and visco-plasticity
simulation. Platform - Linux
- CalculiX
Open Source FEA project. Solver uses a partially
compatible ABAQUS file format. The
pre/post-processor generates input data for many FEA and CFD
is an interactive computer program for teaching the finite element
method (FEM). The name CALFEM is an abbreviation of "Computer Aided
Learning of the Finite Element Method".
- Code Aster:
French software written in Python and Fortran, GPL license. Linear
& non-linear static/dynamic, thermal & fluid analysis. You
will need to compile the code for your machine. Software is in
French.Created by EDF(Electricité de France).
Platform - Linux, Solaris and IRIX 64 bits
- Code_Aster for
Windows Code_Aster Windows is the Windows port of the
OpenSource FEM solver Code_Aster
- deal.II is a C++ program
library targeted at the computational solution of partial
differential equations using adaptive finite elements. It uses
state-of-the-art programming techniques to offer you a modern
interface to the complex data structures and algorithms
required. The main aim of
deal.II is to enable rapid development of modern
finite element codes, using among other aspects adaptive meshes and
a wide array of tools classes often used in finite element program.
Wiki. Open
Source license.
Aspect: Advanced Solver for Problems in Earth's ConvecTion
download here,
svn here
- DUNE, Distributed and Unified
Numerics Environment GPL V 2 , written in C++ with Run-Time
- Elmer FEM
solver: Open source multiphysical
simulation software developed by Finnish Ministry of Education's
CSC, written primarily in Fortran (and C, C++). Brochure. See also
Escript/Finley: Fast Finite
Elements for Partial Differential Equations in python
- FEAPpv is a
general purpose Fortran finite element analysis program which is
designed for research and educational use. FEAPpv is
small version of FEAP. (For FEAP contact feap@berkeley.edu for
further information and distribution costs.)
- FeapUI FeapUI
gives a graphical easy-to-use interface to the fem (finite element
method) programm FEAP by R.L. Taylor (www.ce.berkeley.edu/~rlt/).
FeapUI runs on Linux/Unix and Windows with java. This gives you
more "Feaping" and lesser maual reading.
is a software package designed to solve large scale Finite Element
based problems in a highly efficient way across a wide variety of
modern hardware architectures. FEAST is designed with both vertical
and horizontal efficiency in mind. Horizontal efficiency means good
scalability across a wide variety of MPI implementations and
cluster computers. Vertical efficiency targets single-node
performance with platform-specific Sparse Banded
BLAS implementations for good memory performance and cache
efficiency. FEAST also exploits the tremendous floating point
performance and memory bandwidth of modern graphics processors
(GPUs) as numerical
co-processors. No
current plans to publicly release FEAST in the near future, only
preprocessor etc.
- FEBio, Finite Elements for
- FElt
FElt knows how to solve linear static and dynamic
structural and thermal analysis problems; it can also do modal and
spectral analysis for dynamic problems. FElt's element library
currently contains fourteen elements. open source.
- Feel++
Feel++ (formerly known as Life) is a C++ library for partial
differential equation solves using generalized Galerkin methods
i.e. fem, hp/fem, spectral methods.
- FEniCS Project: a LGPL-licensed
software package developed by American and European
- FFEP: The Free Finite Element Package
is a modular designed collection of C libraries. These libraries
contain numerical methods required when working with linear and
quadratic Finite Elements in two dimensions. FFEP works on
GNU/Linux and is portable to every system where the Meta Matrix Library (MEML),
which means, LAPACK and BLAS are
available. SF page.
- Felyx FELyX is
developed under the topic of numerically efficient Finite Element
calculation. Object oriented structures implemented in C++. GNU
General Public License. All relevant elements for static structural
analyses. Model (Natural Frequency) analysis of structures. Profile
/ bandwidth reduction algorithms based on graph library of Boost.
Efficient matrix storage schemes using the Matrix Template Library
(MTL).Efficient solvers.
- Femlib c++ Object-oriented FE library, sparse matrix library
etc download per anonymous ftp: ftp://ftp.usc.edu/pub/C-numanal/femlib-1.1.tar.gz
- Femlisp
Common Lisp framework for solving partial differential equations
with the help of the finite element method (FEM). Very liberal
license (modified BSD)
- FEMOCTAVE A very simple FEM package
for Octave. It solves second order differential equations in two
variables, using first order elements.
C and Fortran versions for education and study.
version: WFemSet
- freeFEM C++
freeFEM++: the
current version ( 2d and 3d), which contains many improvements over
previous versions and freeFEM3D: the 3D
version based on ficticious domain. Online version: online thanks
to the FFW.
integrated environment for FreeFem
- Geocrack
focus of Geocrack is modeling flow in fractured rocks. The
present application is geothermal reservoirs, where such capability
is needed to simulate systems in which re-injection is used to
circulate the fluid.
- GeoFEM Multi-purpose / multi-physics parallel finite element solver
for the solid earth. Compilation of the GeoFEM source code (version
4.0) requires C++ and Fortran 90 compilers and an implementation of
MPI. The code has been compiled and tested under the following OS:
Linux, Digital UNIX 4.0x. For further information about platforms
and configuration see the GeoFEM website. papers:
"Parallel FE Solid Earth Simulator Tiger and Snake" ,"Large-Scale
Parallel Finite Element Analysis for Solid Earth Problems by
GeoFEM" , "FY2002
Report of ES Results" , GeoFEM
Final Report(Japanese). The source code may be downloaded on
application from the GeoFEM
- GetFEM++
GetFEM++ is basically a generic C++ finite element library which
aims to offer the widest range of finite element methods and
elementary matrix computations for the approximation of linear or
non-linear problems, possibly in hybrid form and possibly coupled.
Two strong points of GetFEM++ are structural mechanics (in
particular contact mechanics) and taking into account
discontinuities by fictitious domain methods of XFEM type (eg
cracking).GetFEM++ is free
- Haplo Mécanique
élastique en petites déformations, Stockage de
matrices en mode "ligne de ciel", Solveur direct de type LDLT,
Solveur itératif de type gradient conjugué
préconditionné, Renumérotation des noeuds,
Prise en compte de conditions aux limites par dualisation, source
available, Licence??.
- HMD is for
computing the answer to a second-order, partial differential
equation in a continuum media. And the continuum media is, broadly
speaking, a special case of a Potential Field problem. Command-line
program under Gnu GPL.
- Hermes
C++/Python library for rapid development of space-
and space-time adaptive hp-FEM
solvers. HP-Fem: http://www.hpfem.org/main/
iMOOSE iMOOSE is intended as a general
purpose application framework for the development of Finite Element
solvers and related tools. It mainly focuses on electromagnetic
problems arising from the design of electrical machines. Requires
Qt3. Open
- Impact Open source free
explicit FE solver for high velocity & large deformation
analyses such as car crashes, press operations etc. Java, GNU
license, Platform - All operating
- J
L Analyzer Fully functional, free FEA
system limited to 300 nodes. Static linear as well as non-linear
stress analysis, thermal analysis, dynamic analysis, thermal and
seepage analysis. It comes with an integrated training Wizard and
has a powerful CAD modeling interface.
Created by AutoFEA Engineering Software Technology,Inc. Platform
- Windows
Family of adaptive FEM codes in 2D and 3D for solution of elliptic
(KASKADE) or parabolic (KASTIO) pdes. C, C++ source. FTP-server no
more active. Research code available on
- KFEM Kde application. The graphics will
be handled by Opengl. Whereas the FEM solver will be served
through CORBA. Status?? Open
Publication License
- L I S
A LISA is suitable for linear static,
vibration, dynamic response, steady/transient heat transfer,
buckling, incompressible fluid flow, seepage, electromagentic,
electrostatic, D.C current & acoustic analysis. Import and
automesh CAD solid & surface models. 2D automesher,
hydrodynamic bearing modeler, pressure vessel component templates.
An ActiveX port for your own client programs to call the internal
LISA functions including calling it's sparse matrix solver.
Extensive documention. User manual explains everything fea in
simple english. Free version 1300 node limit. Created by LISA-Finite Element
Technologies Platform - Windows
methods are meant for the efficient computation of rapidly varying
temporal and spatial solution transitions by automatic local grid
adaptation (more).
MODFE 2-dimensional FE
program for groundwater flow under saturated
MODULEF finite element library is an extensive finite element
system developed under the leadership of the French Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (I.N.R.I.A.).
Modular organization, designed for adaptability and extendability ,
full access to source code, rapid incorporation of current
theoretical developments, runs on workstations, mainframes, and
NGSolve is a finite element library. It must be connected to a mesh handler
such as Netgen. NGSolve is written in C++, and is open source based on the LGPL
Some features of NGSolve: Elements of arbitrary order for any shape (segm, trig,
quad, tet, prism, pyramid, hex), Scalar elements and vector-valued elements for
H(curl) and H(div), Integrators for Heat-flow, Elasticity, Navier-Stokes,
Maxwell, etc. etc
OOFEM: Object Oriented Finite EleMent
solver, written in C++, GPL v2 license
OpenFem: Description here.
OpenFOAM (Field Operation And Manipulation). Originally for CFD only, but now includes finite element analysis through tetrahedral decomposition of arbitrary grids.
- OpenSees is an Open System for
Earthquake Engineering Simulation
ParaFEM New BSD License. ParaFEM formed the basis for Chapter 12 in
Smith I.M. and Griffiths D.V. "Programming the Finite Element
Method", Wiley, 2004. ParaFEM is also used for parallel boundary
element analysis in Beer G., Smith I.M. and Duenser C. "The
Boundary Element Method with Programming", Springer,
simple finite elements in Python
architecture relies on several innovative concepts, in particular
the notion of multi-model representation. In SOFA, most simulation
components (deformable models, collision models, instruments, ...)
can have several representations, connected together through a
mechanism called mapping. Each representation can then be optimized
for a particular task (e.g. collision detection, visualization)
while at the same time improving interoperability by creating a
clear separation between the functional aspects of the simulation
components. As a consequence, it is possible to have models of very
different nature interact together, for instance rigid bodies,
deformable objects, and fluids. At a finer level of granularity, we
also propose a decomposition of physical models (i.e. any model
that behaves according to the laws of physics) into a set of basic
SOLID simple
Galerkin finite-element solution of the time-dependent equations
governing the state of a plasma confined between two absorbing
plates. There are source functions for heat and particles, in the
presence of which the plasma approaches a steady
free explicit/implicit FE program. Results files for IBM's open
sourced data explorer can be generated. Look in http://www.opendx.org for the data
explorer visualisation program
Traglast is a free finite-element-solver for linear static 2D
problem. It provides also an algorithm to calculate boundary
plastic loads of steal structures. Traglast supports a simple
WARP3D is under
continuing development as a research code for the solution of very
large-scale, 3-D solid models subjected to static and dynamic
loads. Some features in the code oriented toward the investigation
of fracture in metals include a robust finite strain formulation, a
general J-integral computation facility (with inertia,
thermal, face loading), interaction integrals for computation of
linear-elastic fracture parameters (stress intrensity factors and
T-stress), very general element extinction and node release
facilities to model crack growth, nonlinear material models
including viscoplastic and cyclic, cohesive elements and cohesive
constitutive models, hydrogen effects on plasticity, and the
Gurson-Tvergaard dilatant plasticity model for void growth. Source
code GNU license.
Z88: FEM-software available for
Windows and Linux/UNIX, written in C, GPL lic.
Comercial Fea/Fem packages
See wickipedia article.
Free DEM packages with or without GPU
Ascalaph Molecular dynamics with fourth order symplectic integrator.
dp3D (discrete powder 3D), DEM code oriented toward materials science applications (powder compaction, powder sintering, ...).
ESyS-Particle ESyS-Particle is a high-performance computing implementation of the Discrete Element Method released under the Open Software License v3.0. To date, development focus is on geoscientific applications including granular flow, rock breakage and earthquake nucleation. ESyS-Particle includes a Python scripting interface providing flexibility for simulation setup and real-time data analysis. The DEM computing engine is written in C++ and parallelised using MPI, permitting simulations of more than 1 million particles on clusters or high-end workstations.
GPULAMMPS GPU enhancements to LAMMPS
LAMMPS very fast parallel open-source molecular dynamics package with GPU support also allowing DEM simulations. LAMMPS Website, Examples .
LAMMPS-ICMS Axel Kohlmeyer's add-ons to LAMMPS
- LIGGGHTS code based on LAMMPS
with more DEM features such as wall import from CAD, a moving mesh
feature and granular heat transfer. LIGGGHTS
Spherical Discrete Element
- LMGC90
Open platform for modelling interaction problems
between elements including multi-physics aspects based on an hybrid
or extended FEM – DEM discretization, using various numerical
strategies as MD or NSCD.
- Pasimodo package for particle-based
simulation methods. Simulation of granular media, such as sand,
gravel, granulates in chemical engineering and others. Can be used
for the simulation of many other Lagrangian methods, e.g. fluid
simulation with
- PLUMED free
energy calculation with LAMMPS
- Yade
(Yet another Dynamic Engine) modular and extensible
toolkit of DEM algorithms written in c++. Tight integration with
Python gives flexibility to simulation description, real-time
control and post-processing, allows introspection of all internal
data. Can run in parallel on shared-memory machines using OpenMP. Yade is
historically related to SDEC.
Internet Fem Resources
some more reading:
http://codrt.free.fr/allardj/pub/2011/ACF11a and
UFL: http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~grm08/MarkallHK10.pdf
Converter (see also gpu
a simple units converter
convert 3D distorted finite elements into SPH(smoothed particle
hydrodynamics) particles
Conversion of Triangular Meshes Into Quadrilateral Meshes with
Automated Conversion of 2D Triangular Mesh into Quadrilateral Mesh
with Directionality Control
is an open source, portable, and extensible system for the
processing and editing of unstructured 3D triangular
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